Creating conversations for a more connected community.
Connect; Canberra Dance Collective’s platform for meaningful community discussions, workshops and training.
Connect’s aim is to bring the dance community, including studio owners, teachers, parents, and dancers, together with their shared passion for the industry. Through educational events, workshops and discussion rooms; Connect is the link bringing the professional dance community together.
In 2021 Connect hosted its inaugural event Connect21. This event included many studio owners and dance teachers from across Canberra who came together to learn from our industry pioneers. The theme was focused on dancer’s safety and studio owner’s obligations around keeping our kids safe in dance.
In 2022, Connect is expanding and is not only open for studio owners and teachers, but also dancers and parents. In February, Canberra Dance Collective introduces Canberra’s first dance convention. With workshops from Australia’s leading industry professionals, training opportunities for studio owners and teachers and a specific room dedicated to dance parents, Connect 22 is the perfect opportunity to engage with the Canberra dance community and further learn and grow in connections with the dance industry.